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Experienced and creatively driven designer with a strong background in spatial design and architecture. My work revolves around set and conceptual design, where I merge my architectural and design expertise to craft immersive, site-specific narratives. My Master’s program in Interior Design at the Glasgow School of Art, along with my experience as an architect, has cultivated my creative thinking, sharpened my attention to detail, and equipped me with a unique skill set that is transferable to the field of set design.

Multi-disciplinary Design Project Experience


“The Suppliants” by Aeschylus,

Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus, Athens and Epidaurus festival, Neos Kosmos Theatre – Karolos Koun Greek Art Theatre, 
Text editing and dramaturgy - Direction: Marianna Calbari, Set design - Costumes: Christina Calbari- assistant set designer 

“What will your mother say when she sees your dead body”, Poreia Theatre, 
Direction: Despoina – Dorina Remediaki, Set design: Tina Tzoka - 
assistant set designer 

“Reunion the musical”, Pallas Theatre, 
Direction: Themis Marselou,  Set design: Manolis Pantelidakis - assistant set designer

“Show What”, Vox Music Stage, 
Direction: Fokas Evagelinos, Set design: Manolis Pantelidakis - 
assistant set designer

“Moment”, Eler Theatre, 
Direction: Eirini Anagnostopoulou Set design: Dafni Aidoni - 
assistant set designer


“Anastasia the musical”, Pallas Theatre, 
Direction: Themis Marselou,  Set design: Manolis Pantelidakis - assistant set designer

Waiting for Godot at Tramway, Samuel Becket, Glasgow School of Art, 

Thesis Project: Set Design, Concept Design

The Lady from the Sea, Henrik Ibsen, Glasgow School of Art

Host ProjectConcept Design, Set Design, Exhibition Design 

Creative Publishing in the Arts Project Glasgow School of Art,

Publication of Henrik Ibsen's theater play "The Lady from the Sea" 

Streets Alive with Glasgow Briliance Glasgow School of Art, Concept design, Projection mapping


The Tempest,  William Shakespeare, National Theater of Greece,

Student set design exhibition

Architecture Industry Experience

Freelance Architect, Fortis Architects, Loutraki

Architect, ANT Archiects, Athens

05/2020- 08/2022

Junior Architect, k-division, Athens 

01/2020- 03/2022

Junior Architect, Ioannis Verikakis Architect, Chania

09/2018- 09/2019

Internship, A&G Varoudakis architects, Chania

 09/2017- 12/2017


MDes in Interior Design,  

Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, UK, Grade: Distinction

2022 - 2023

Integrated Master in Architectural Engineering,  

Technical University of Crete School of Architecture, Greece, Grade: Distinction


Spatial Design Training

Laboratory of Scenography, Athens (LSA), 

Costume design workshop

2024 Greece, 

Speaker, modern interior space in Greece


National Theater of Greece, 

One- year performance workshop


Athens School of Fine Arts , 

Citylab Workshop 2019, Fear- architecture- Art (in the context of the approved European project ROCK)


Athens and Epidaurus festival,

Scenography workshop and participation in the exhibition, rooms of memory: wandering in Loula's Anagnostaki world


National Theater of Greece, 

One-year set and costume design workshop



Design Skills:  multi-disciplinary practice, collaborative, interdisciplinary design process, research and development, critical processes, spatial design, set design, concept development, art direction, creative, problem solving, visualisation ,material selection and construction, lighting design

Technical Skills: Adobe creative suite (Photoshop, In Design, Premiere), visualisation tools (Autocad, Archicad, Sketch Up), model making, technical drawings, collage, photography, photo and video editing

Professional Skills: project management, organised, client management,  work well under pressure, trustworthy, co-working, communication, attention to detail, adaptability, problem solving, self-motivation, confidence,

Greek mother tongue: English: IELTS 7 French: DELF B1

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